Posts Tagged ‘travel


Five Good Things

1.) I went on vacation. It was glorious.

2.) I might be back from the vacay, but hey – makes for a four-day week.

3.) My rowing team gets back on the water soon. This is way better than indoor training.

4.) Spring has pretty much sprung. I replaced my mukluks with my galoshes.

5.) After a lot of debate within myself, I managed to put together a really fair proposal for some extra stuff work wants from me. I feel like I am being fair to both of us and will be comfortable with whether or not they accept my proposal


Five Good Things

1.) In conjunction with my four-day-weekend project, I am going on vacation at the end of the week.

2.) Because I am a grown up, there was no reason for me not to have a dinner entirely of cheese…so I did.  Osteoporosis prevention, etc.

3.) On Sunday, I went to one of my favorite brunch places in tundra.  I gobbled up their pork belly, poached eggs, polenta, and an english muffin with a lovely bellini.  I love me the brunch.

4.) Gas where I work is twenty cents cheaper PER GALLON than the gas where I live.

5.) It’s less than six months until I move away from the tundra!


Five Good Things

1.) My college friends and I had our tenth anniversary Christmas celebration.  While I wish I got to see them more often, but I’m glad we have a standing, annual reunion.  (And we’re totally going to submit a picture to our alum magazine.  We’re aging well.)

2.) I get to see my old nanny kids today!  They are wonderful and amazing, probably because those same adjectives apply to their parents.  It’s on the way to my family’s Christmas location, so I’m spending a couple of days with them first.

3.) I get to see some of my family for Christmas!  While we are going to have to call those that cannot make it, the group of us that will be together should have a blast.

4.) Family Christmas is being held in a much, much warmer state than the tundra.  Like, I-packed-a-different-jacket warmer.

5.) While I rarely check suitcases, the length and climates of this trip (along   with the packed gifts) required me to do so.  My suitcase?  It weighs 49lbs.  (There’s an additional charge for exceeding 50lbs.)


Five Good Things

1.) I have had this blog for over a year and have yet to get in trouble for having it or anything on it.  Additionally, I also am still writing on le blog.  Yay committment!

2.) Copying (the most sincere form of flattery) a challenge KTB issued herself, I decided to crock once per week while home this winter.  This week was my third consecutive week of crockery. 

3.) I’m going to see my college friends in less than one week and my family in just over one week.

4.) I got a new computer cord!  My old one broke, meaning computer down, meaning that’s why I’ve been so quiet.

5.) I bought new hair conditioner tonight.  It’s medium fancy and smells pretty great.  As much as I hate mornings, I’m almost excited to get up and shower.


Five Good Things

1.) The reason for my silence is that I was on vacation.  VACATION WAS GREAT!

2.) I finally, finally, finally saw a real football game played live.  It was super fun and ultra great. 

3.) I’m getting a new winter coat.   I am totally going to upgrade the warmth factor.  I also might attempt to buy a jacket that is not blue.  (I accidentally keep buying blue outerwear.)

4.) Improv tomorrow night!  I am already ready to laugh.

5.) I did not gain ten million pounds over Thanksgiving and vacation, despite eating a lot of junk.  I probably gained more like two.


Inflight WiFi

I’m flying Delta, a mistake for other reasons, who is offering free in-flight wifi through the holidays.  So far I’ve used it to:

1.) Search flights to family destination Christmas (woo!)…not on Delta

2.) Check the arrival status of my flight and email a text to the friend who is picking me up, telling her my delay has increased while inair.

3.) Play on facebook, gchat, and email.

4.) Take and post a picture of my ridiculous amounts of legroom (emergency exit row + almost a legal midget in Canada) on facebook.

5.) Blog.

Basically, what I would do at home.   I find the whole concept of in-flight wifi kind of ridiculous.  I mean, none of those things were at all pressing.  I remember the days when flights were spent with parents just threatening to beat their children with the books they were not reading, if they didn’t quiet down.


Five Good Things

1.) I have a Diet Coke habit.  I like the DC in the afternoon, usually while the kidlets nap.  To support my habit, I bring a DC with me to work pretty much every day.  My current employers noticed and started stocking DC for me.   I recently switched to bike commuting and while a can of soda is neither large nor heavy, it’s really nice to have one less thing to pack and carry in the mornings.

2.) I leave for Thanksgiving vacation tomorrow!  It is going to be fantastic.

3.) A little over a week ago, I started selling things I don’t want ebay.  Today I broke $100 in sales!

4.) I found – and bought – a fantastic Christmas gift for my stepmom.  This  is my third BIG WIN Christmas gift purchase of the season.  I often end up with safety gifts for my stepmom, so it’s especially nice that I found something unique for her this year.

5.) I don’t have to work at all this week!  (Hence why I get to leave for vacation Tuesday morning, ha.)


Big Day, Lights and Sirens

I’ll post more on this later, but by 9:30 this morning, I’d had my first rides in both an ambulance and a police cruiser.  (I’m totally fine.)  The distances of both rides are best measured in blocks.  Since 9:30am, I have not ridden in any emergency vehicles.  Unless I meet a studly firefighter, I’m hoping to keep up this trend.


Five Good Things

1.) I am a Food Network fiend.  Food Network did a major programming dump on On Demand.  While I’m still not very good at watching tv, I like that I now have a greater number of programs to reject and not watch.

2.) I am less than a week away from vacation!  This means that I am about to start thinking about doing laundry that I might want to pack…well, maybe it’s more like thinking about thinking about doing laundry, or maybe I just need to do laundry.  Whatever though, I have both Tide and time.

3.) My pumpkin whoopie pie recipe is better than Rachel Ray’s is.  My tastebuds say so and that is one sense with which I do not argue.  (Ray Ray’s is still all right; mine is just better.)

4.) I am attending a fancy event this week.  I’d go so far as to call it a gala affair and I will be wearing a dress that is dry clean only.

5.) I tried a new pizza topping combination and I liked it – eggplant and spinach.


Five Good Things

It’s been a great weekend, with great people.  This is not hard.

1.) Last weekend was a big race weekend for me; it was also a BIG WINNING weekend.  While it’s most important to try hard and show good sportsmanship, my team managed to do those things AND WIN.  Heck yeah!

2.) I am in my favorite city.  I don’t have to leave it until tomorrow.

3.) I got a lot of free stuff over the weekend.  I even like some of it.

4.) The above race was the conclusion of my racing season, so I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want – for a couple of weeks at least.  Then, at the behest of my arteries, I will revert to living a healthy lifestyle.

5.) While on my trip, I have played with two great dogs and one great kid.  High Quality.

Present Pontifications

May 2024

Past Pontifications

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