Posts Tagged ‘five good things


Five Good Things

1.) I went on vacation. It was glorious.

2.) I might be back from the vacay, but hey – makes for a four-day week.

3.) My rowing team gets back on the water soon. This is way better than indoor training.

4.) Spring has pretty much sprung. I replaced my mukluks with my galoshes.

5.) After a lot of debate within myself, I managed to put together a really fair proposal for some extra stuff work wants from me. I feel like I am being fair to both of us and will be comfortable with whether or not they accept my proposal


Five Good Things

1.) In conjunction with my four-day-weekend project, I am going on vacation at the end of the week.

2.) Because I am a grown up, there was no reason for me not to have a dinner entirely of cheese…so I did.  Osteoporosis prevention, etc.

3.) On Sunday, I went to one of my favorite brunch places in tundra.  I gobbled up their pork belly, poached eggs, polenta, and an english muffin with a lovely bellini.  I love me the brunch.

4.) Gas where I work is twenty cents cheaper PER GALLON than the gas where I live.

5.) It’s less than six months until I move away from the tundra!


Five Good Things

1.) I made lentil soup last night and it is amazing, particularly as leftovers.

2.) My favorite Buckeye made a random trip to my tundra last Saturday, so I got to see her!  It was wonderful and almost makes me want to visit Ohio so that we can spend more time together.  (Of states that I have visited, Ohio is my least favorite.)

3.) I will be home from work by 4:30pm tomorrow and have the whole evening free.  Granted, I’ll probably use it to do practical things like laundry and sweep the floors, but that’s still better than 11pm laundry.  The probability is also high that I will relax on the couch, eat my leftover Chinese takeout, and watch TV.  50-50, probably.

4.) I found a check that I thought I lost.  It is only a little old, so it is still good.

5.) One of my good friends received an acceptance to her top-choice graduate school.  As an added bonus, the school is in the town I’m moving to in the fall!


Five Good Things

1.) My produce market randomly had a fantastic selection of prime produce yesterday.  Mango, blueberries, peaches, asparagus, and CORN ON THE COB all will be devoured by me this week – in addition to the usual spinach, apples, and grapefruits.  I am pumped. 

2.) The antithesis of produce and my guilty pleasure, Stouffer’s mac ‘n cheese, is on sale at Walgreens this week.  I clipped a coupon for that too.  For some reason (my Scottish background?) I feel LESS bad about eating (delicious) crap when I buy it on sale.

3.) More on this later, but I had a major haircut and do not feel frustrated with the change.  I feel like I have a lot less hair.

4.) Fraggle Rock is on On Demand.  Heck yeah, I’ll dance my cares away.

5.) My new book club starts soon.


Five Good Things

1.) After a couple of consecutive weeks of failing to post a 5GT on Monday, I’m back on track.

2.) I went puddle stomping at work today. 

3.) There were puddles (for stomping) because the snow is melting, which is great both because it is getting warmer and also because it is easier to get down my street with smaller banks down its side.

4.) Free beer (class) tomorrow! 

5.) I bought amazing asparagus; I am going to eat it alllllllll up.  (And then, well, you know.)


Five Good Things

1.) Our last several snows have consisted of the light, fluffy snow that is easy to brush off and like shoveling feathers. 

2.) My extended forecast includes a high temperature ABOVE freezing!  Beach day.

3.) After several rounds of phone tag, my brother and I finally got a chance to talk today.  The primary topic?  Geneology. 

4.) One of my friends is making me a delicious dinner tomorrow night.  I’m not exactly sure what it is going to be, but promised that I won’t be allergic or intolerant to anything.

5.) The beer I liked best at beer school hits the shelves at my grocery store tomorrow.  Can’t wait.  I’ll tell you more about it after I get a chance to buy some.


Five Good Things

1.) As someone who enjoys football without an allegiance to a specific team, I got to enjoy some fun games (with wings) and avoided the depths of despair.  I know that some fans experienced very joyous weekends, but roughly half of them will be in the double-depths of despair next weekend.

2.) I did not get very sick from my flu shot, even though I normally do.  Hooray!

3.) My old files are almost completely reorganized.   This involves lots of recycling and prize finding.  (Where prize = gift certs for free coffee)

4.) I am back on the letter writing track.  I love writing letters to people, along with mailing random trinkets, but took several months off from doing so.  In the last month, I’ve probably mailed 2-3 things per week.  (Aside: If you think I write you a letter, please let me know – along with confirming that I know where to send it.)

5.) I get to go to bed super early tonight – like possibly 8 or 9pm.  Why?  Because I am super organized.  Seriously, the remainder of my to-do list for today is to workout and then eat the dinner I already made.


Five Good Things

1.) I got a new job.  I highly suspect it will be a fantastic job.

2.) I hosted a potluck over the weekend, which was both delicious and fun.  I did end up with a stomach ache, but I expected that and bought Tums ahead of time.

3.) At said potluck, there were no recycling-trash errors and it took less than an hour to clean up.  GOOD WORK FRIENDS!

4.) One of my favorite dogs turned one year old on Sunday.  Because he is a dog and I am a person, I got to eat delicious cake.  Pupples got to eat puppy cake.

5.) My computer got a horrible, nasty virus over the holidays (hence the silence) but it is fixed (thanks friend!) and pretty much back to normal.  Like.


Five Good Things

1.) My new jacket arrived today.  It is a warm and soft dream.  I want to turn off my heat and sleep in it tonight, except that would probably be bad for my pipes.

2.) I cleaned my shower head (wha?) and increased water pressure is my  reward.  I did not have any issues with my previous shower pressure, it is just better now and I deserve nice things…like fantastic shower pressure.

3.) 2011 came without any disasters and catastrophes and with a gathering replete with delicious consumables, including Baltika 9, my favorite Russian beer.  (NB: Baltika 9 is still pretty gross; it is just the least gross Russian beer I’ve tried.  I like it for nostalgia – and I got to drink it out of a champagne flute.)

4.) The tundra enjoyed a brief warm spell last week, during which it was warmer here than in Phoenix.  I called Phoenix to let them know.

5.) For whatever reason (it’s not the season) strawberries have been wonderfully sweet lately.   I keep accidentally eating entire containers because they are just that good.  Whatever though – that just means I am full of vitamins and stuff.  (Not pesticides stuff though, because I am not gross and I properly wash my strawberries.


Five Good Things

1.) My college friends and I had our tenth anniversary Christmas celebration.  While I wish I got to see them more often, but I’m glad we have a standing, annual reunion.  (And we’re totally going to submit a picture to our alum magazine.  We’re aging well.)

2.) I get to see my old nanny kids today!  They are wonderful and amazing, probably because those same adjectives apply to their parents.  It’s on the way to my family’s Christmas location, so I’m spending a couple of days with them first.

3.) I get to see some of my family for Christmas!  While we are going to have to call those that cannot make it, the group of us that will be together should have a blast.

4.) Family Christmas is being held in a much, much warmer state than the tundra.  Like, I-packed-a-different-jacket warmer.

5.) While I rarely check suitcases, the length and climates of this trip (along   with the packed gifts) required me to do so.  My suitcase?  It weighs 49lbs.  (There’s an additional charge for exceeding 50lbs.)

Present Pontifications

May 2024

Past Pontifications

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